What is a Monorepo and Why Use One?

What is a Monorepo and Why Use One?
What is a Monorepo and Why Use One?

In today’s software development world, how you manage your code can make a big difference. A monorepo is one way to handle code repositories. By understanding what a monorepo is and why some teams prefer it, you can better decide if it's right for your projects. This guide will break down the basics of monorepos, their benefits, and their challenges.

What is Monorepo?

A monorepo, short for "monolithic repository," is a single storage location for all of your code and projects. Instead of having separate repositories for each project, everything is kept together in one place.

A monorepo is a version control strategy where multiple projects are housed within a single repository. This contrasts with the multirepo approach, where each project or module has its own repository. In a monorepo, all related code—whether it’s libraries, services, or applications—is stored together.

Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Twitter use monorepos to centralize their codebases, which can reach immense sizes and involve thousands of commits daily. This differs from monolithic architecture, which refers to self-contained applications, not repository structure.

Monorepos vs. Multirepos for Microservices

With the growing popularity of microservices architecture, many teams opt for multirepos, with each microservice housed in its own repository. This allows teams to work independently using different tools and languages best suited to their specific needs. However, as the number of microservices grows, managing multiple repositories can become cumbersome and complex.

Multirepos can introduce risks such as:

  • Knowledge Silos: Different teams might end up with isolated knowledge, making it difficult for anyone to have a comprehensive understanding of the entire system.
  • Tooling Conflicts: Different repositories may use varying tools and configurations, leading to potential conflicts and inefficiencies.
  • Slower Build and Deployment Processes: As complexity increases, automated builds and deployments can become slower and more error-prone.

On the other hand, a monorepo can mitigate many of these issues by providing a unified and automated build and deploy pipeline, ensuring all teams are on the same page and reducing the chances of miscommunication or error.

Benefits of Using a Monorepo

Monorepos offer several benefits which includes:

  • Enhanced Visibility: With all code stored in a single repository, developers can easily navigate and understand how different parts of the system interact. This visibility simplifies debugging and allows for more efficient problem-solving.
  • Improved Code Sharing: Common libraries, models, and helper functions can be shared across teams, reducing duplication and ensuring consistency in code quality.
  • Better Collaboration: Monorepos break down silos between teams, encouraging a more collaborative environment where knowledge is shared and teams work together more effectively.
  • Standardization Across Projects: It becomes easier to enforce coding standards, naming conventions, and other best practices across all projects within the organization.
  • Simplified Discoverability: Having a single view of the entire codebase allows teams to track changes and understand the project's overall status more effectively.
  • Streamlined Release Management: A centralized repository retains all information about how to deploy the entire system, making automated build and deploy pipelines more straightforward and less error-prone.
  • Easier Refactoring: Access to the entire codebase makes refactoring and restructuring simpler, as changes can be made across multiple projects without the need to coordinate between separate repositories.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite their benefits, monorepos come with challenges:

  • Performance Issues: As the monorepo grows, version control commands and IDEs can become sluggish.
  • Broken Builds: A failure in the main branch can impact all projects.
  • Learning Curve: New developers may struggle with the complexity of a large, unified codebase.
  • Code Reviews: High volumes of code reviews and notifications can be overwhelming.

Choosing between monorepo and multirepo is as much about organizational culture and communication as it is about technical considerations. Monorepos can help break down silos and foster better collaboration, acting as a central hub for all team members.

Monorepos have been used successfully by various open-source and commercial projects. Companies like Segment, Airbnb, Uber, and Pinterest have shared their experiences transitioning to and from monorepos.

These stories highlight the importance of investing in tooling and adapting workflows to manage the complexities of a monorepo effectively.

Investing in Tooling

To handle the challenges of monorepos, companies invest in specialized tools and build systems like Bazel, Buck, Pants, and RushJS. These tools help manage large repositories by supporting differential builds and smart scaling solutions.

Managing Monorepos with CI/CD Pipelines

To effectively manage a monorepo, automated Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are essential. These pipelines allow teams to independently build, test, and deploy their microservices without impacting other teams.

Containerization further supports this process by enabling different development environments for each microservice, reducing the risk of conflicts and ensuring smoother deployments.

Is a Monorepo Right for Your Team?

Deciding whether to use a monorepo or a multirepo depends on several factors:

  • Team Culture and Collaboration: A monorepo can foster collaboration but requires a culture that supports open communication and shared responsibility.
  • Discipline in Code Management: Teams must be disciplined in maintaining modular code and following best practices to avoid tightly coupled code and other pitfalls.

If your team values collaboration and is committed to maintaining high standards of code management, a monorepo could be a great fit. However, if your team prefers to work independently and uses a wide variety of tools and languages, a multirepo might be more suitable.

Best Practices for Managing a Monorepo

If you decide to use a monorepo, following best practices can help you manage it more effectively:

  • Organize Clearly: Structure the repository in a way that makes it easy to find and work with different projects. Use clear directory names and maintain a consistent layout.
  • Automate Builds and Tests: Implement automated build and test systems to handle the large volume of code. This ensures that changes are integrated smoothly and errors are caught early.
  • Manage Dependencies: Use tools to manage dependencies across projects efficiently. Ensure that updates are synchronized to prevent version conflicts.
  • Implement Access Controls: Use permissions and access controls to manage who can make changes to different parts of the repository, helping maintain security and order.

Monorepos offer significant benefits, such as improved visibility, collaboration, and code sharing, but they are not without their challenges. Carefully assess your team’s needs, culture, and workflow to determine if a monorepo is the right choice for your organization.

With the right practices and tools in place, a monorepo can enhance your development processes and lead to more efficient, cohesive, and successful software development.
